Ludmila Roziņa (on basis of Brothers' Grimm fairy tale)


1h 15min  / Act 2
Small hall
16,00 EUR

About the performance

Premiere: 01.06.2019.

Drag Race Through the Hair in 2 Parts

Rapunzel is a salad princess who eats salad with salads in a salad dressing so that she grows the longest hair in the world and gets in the World Record Book. She lives in a tower and the only way to get to her is her unusually strong hair. Rapunzel’s hair is magical – you can ride up with a horse and even a motorbike. But one day Kaspars, the prince of mushrooms, sneaks in her tower, and her little heart starts beating faster. This tower, which has been the whole life of Rapunzel, is becoming too narrow.

The creative team uses techniques of black light theatre to bring to life this fairytale by Brothers Grimm, in which the power of technological magic very symbolically collides with the power of Mother Nature. What turns out to be more powerful, the familiar tower or what is outside the window – forest, sun, moss, mushrooms and blueberries?

This play was nominated by Latvian theatre award Player's Night 2018/2019 in the category “Play for Children of the Year”, the director of the play Viesturs Roziņš was nominated in the category “Director of the Year”, and the rhythm group “Perpetuum Ritmico” – in the category “Author of the Musical Score of the Year”.

Warning: total darkness and ultraviolet ligh effects are used on the stage!

Nomination: The Best Play for Children, Best Stage director, Best music. Latvian annual theatre award Spēlmaņu nakts 2018/2019

With the financial support of the company

Creative team

Stage director:
Viesturs Rozins
Stage, puppet, costume designer:
Valters Kristbergs


"Salātlapiņa" Latvijas Leļļu teātrī
Salātu princese Salātlapiņa pirmizrādē Leļļu teātrī



Perfekti! Oriğināli, asprātīgi, priekpilni, skaisti! Kārtējais apliecinājums mūsu Leļļu teātra varēšanai un milzīgajam pārākumam citu(lielo)valsts teātru vidū. Milzīgi paldies no visiem daudzajiem mūsu ğimenes mazajiem un lielajiem teātrmīļiem!


Mūsdienīga un ļoti aizraujoša izrāde! Bērni sajūsmā! Liels paldies komandai par smaidu bērnu sejiņās un mirdzumu acīs!!! P.S. man kā pieaugušajam arī ļoti patika!


Vienreizējs ceļojums gaismā, krāsā un skaņā! Maģiski, piepildīti un skaisti! Bērni vienkārši spiedz no sajūsmas! Interaktīvi, gudri un pārliecinoši! Labākais, kas līdz šim redzēts Leļļu teātrī!


IZCILA izrāde! Loti patika, to bija aizrautīgi vērot gan bērniem, gan pieaugušajiem! Paldies Leļļu teātrim par iespēju redzēt tik oriģināli veidotu izrādi. Radošajai komandai BRAVO!!!

Tava atsauksme

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Personas datu pārzinis - VSIA "Latvijas Leļļu teātris", reģ.nr. 40003782984, adrese: Kr.Barona iela 16/18, Rīga, LV-1050;
Kontaktinformācija: e-pasta adrese:, tālrunis + 371 67285418

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