Druvis Anusans

Although Druvis was born in Varakļāni, he is from Madona. Endowed with musical talent, he learned to play string instruments at the J. Norvilis Madona music school from an early age. After secondary school, his road led to the Riga Academy of Pedagogy and Education, where he obtained the qualification of a dance and rhythm teacher and it opened the door to the stage - Druvis danced in the folk dance ensemble "Teiksma" for many years. He is currently a teacher at the children's dance group "Teiksmiņa" and the folk dance ensemble "Dandari" of the University of Latvia. Druvis has always been interested in trying something new, which also brought him to the Latvia Puppet Theater, where, when he started working as a stage master, he was noticed for his musicality and love of dance. Druvis was given the opportunity to try out the puppet theater stage as an actor, playing the main role in the performance "Golden Horse" by the Dutch stage director Duda Paiva. Druvis’ motto: Take everything from life what it gives.
Works at the Latvia Puppet Theater since 2013.

Repertoire performances