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About the performance
Premiere: 24.10.2024.
A Mother’s odyssey within her consciousness looking for a proof that she is not a thing.
At what point are you entitled to tell yourself and your child that you need a rest?
Will they understand you?
How do you view the society around you regarding this issue?
What does it think of you?
What do you think of yourself?
Where are you?
A collaboration of thought, body, image and sound in a theatrical event about the burnout in young parents.
Creative team
- Director:
- Dana Avotiņa-Lāce
- Stage and costumes:
- Vita Radzina
- Composer:
- Karlis Tone
- Light artist:
- Gvido Abolins
- Sound:
- Ugis Jansons-Krastins
- The author of the illustration:
- Elvira Bekere
Roles are played by
Photo gallery
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