Dana Avotina-Lace

A Clean Tooth and a Ball

45min  / Act 1
Chamber Hall
18.00 EUR

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About the performance

Premiere: 29.03.2025.

Interactive performance for little ones

The Sun is having its first tooth. The Cloud already has two teeth! Let's meet in the theatre and go on the first teeth-brushing adventure together. Is it any different in the theatre? It's just like at home – a real spectacle!

The performance will be like a conversation with a child, like a game – through senses, touch, sound, visual images, through the child's perception, we will arouse interest in brushing teeth. Above all, the first tooth is a great joy for the whole family, and we cherish and preserve this joy by searching together how to make friends with the toothbrush.

·        The show is for children aged 1-2 and their parents

·        You will have to take off your shoes!

Creative team

Dana Avotiņa-Lāce
Author of the illustration:
Elvira Bekere

Roles are played by


Tava atsauksme

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Personas datu pārzinis - VSIA "Latvijas Leļļu teātris", reģ.nr. 40003782984, adrese: Kr.Barona iela 16/18, Rīga, LV-1050;
Kontaktinformācija: e-pasta adrese: info@lelluteatris.lv, tālrunis + 371 67285418

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