Sergejs Timofejevs

A Knight Who Had a Toothache

1h 10min  / Act 2
Small hall
18.00 EUR

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About the performance

Dramatization: Edgars Kaufelds
Premiere: 05.03.2017.

The knight is just a human, and he also likes candy very much. One day he goes overboard and eats a lot of these wonderful treats. As a result of this incident, he suddenly suffers from toothache.

Like a true knight, he is used to facing his opponent and responding to the stroke with a stroke. But this time his own teeth hurt. Who will be his opponent in this fight?

When looking for various solutions to this situation, the knight proves his nobility and does not lose courage to achieve an outcome worthy of the hero.

Nomination: The Best Play for Children or Youth. Latvian annual theatre award Spēlmaņu nakts 2016/ 2017


Creative team

Stage director, playwright:
Edgars Kaufelds
Stage, puppet, costume designer:
Rūta Briede
Ilga Reizniece, Māris Muktupāvels
Translation from Russian:
Jolanta Pētersone


Sergeja Timofejeva "Bruņinieks, kuram sāpēja zobi" Latvijas Leļļu teātrī
Bruņinieka cīņa ar konfektēm Leļļu teātrī
„Bruņinieks, kuram sāpēja zobi” Leļļu teātrī
"Bruņinieks, kuram sāpēja zobi" Latvijas Leļļu teātrī



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Personas datu pārzinis - VSIA "Latvijas Leļļu teātris", reģ.nr. 40003782984, adrese: Kr.Barona iela 16/18, Rīga, LV-1050;
Kontaktinformācija: e-pasta adrese:, tālrunis + 371 67285418

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