About the performance
Dramatization: Oļesja Jemeļjanova
Premiere: 02.03.2019.
It is often said that the sooner a child learns to count, the better. However, the events in the story “A yeanling who counted to ten” by the Norwegian writer Alf Prøysen initially develop quite in the opposite way. When the little yeanling dares to count everyone he encounters on his way, the neighbours are not happy. Only when the angry animals find themselves in a fatal situation does the importance of numeracy become clear.
The new production of director Vija Blūzma is part of the popular series of Small Hall performances for the youngest audience. The artist Anita Znutiņa-Šēve this time has chosen to create these funny and charming animal characters as parterre dolls.
Nomination: The Best Play for Children or Youth. Latvian annual theatre award Spēlmaņu nakts 2018/2019
Creative team
- Stage director:
- Vija Blūzma
- Stage version, translation:
- Daina Strelēvica
- Stage, costume, puppet designer:
- Anita Znutiņa-Šēve
- Composer:
- Uģis Vītiņš
- Video designer:
- Evita Bēta
Roles are played by
Photo gallery
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