Kārlis Vērdiņš

Aunt Dill

1h 15min  / Act 2
Small hall
12,00 EUR

About the performance

Dramatization: Stage version by Edgars Kaufelds
Premiere: 11.10.2020.

Aunt Dill is not an ordinary aunt. She considers herself a great poet, but unfortunately, her talent is not appreciated. Aunt Dill is eager to write new verses every day. Because of that, she has collected many poems and is persistently trying to delight someone with her wonderful creation, but no one in her village seems to like it. Even worse. Everyone is avoiding aunt Dill, ignoring her, driving her away, even calling the police on her. Will this story end so sadly? Will no one even read her poems? Will aunt Dill's creative expression remain unappreciated?

Creative team

Stage director:
Edgars Kaufelds
Puppet, costume designer:
Rebeka Lukošus
Stage designer:
Kristaps Kramiņš
Jēkabs Nīmanis
Ligts designer:
Uldis Andersons

Roles are played by


Latvijas Leļļu teātra izrāde DILLES TANTE
Dilles tante. Rainis. Kārlis Vērdiņš. Latvijas Leļļu teātris.



Ļoti jauka un sirsnīga izrāde. Kārļa Vērdiņa dzeja ir gan ironiska, gan sociāli trāpīga, gan reizē ļoti mīļa un iejūtīga. Izrādē bija interesanti gan man kā mammai, gan bērniem vecumā 5 - 10 gadi.

Tava atsauksme

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Personas datu pārzinis - VSIA "Latvijas Leļļu teātris", reģ.nr. 40003782984, adrese: Kr.Barona iela 16/18, Rīga, LV-1050;
Kontaktinformācija: e-pasta adrese: info@lelluteatris.lv, tālrunis + 371 67285418

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