According to M. Stāraste's fairy tale motifs
Christmas joy
1h 10min / Act 2
Small hall
16,00 EUR
About the performance
Dramatization: Stage version of Vija Blūzma
Premiere: 12.12.2020.
Have you ever had no sense of celebration though Christmas is almost there? Is Christmas really ruined if white snow is not falling, the whole family of relatives has not gathered around the table and there is not a huge pile of gifts under the Christmas tree? Two snowmen go in search of the joy of Christmas to those who seem to have it, but the question is – is the joy real and lasting if it is not shared? In this Christmas story someone will definitely realize that creating sense of celebration not only for oneself but also for the others can make our hearts so joyful.
Creative team
- Stage director:
- Vija Blūzma
- Stage, costume, puppet designer:
- Anita Znutiņa-Šēve
- Composer, texts of songs:
- Mikus Frišfelds
Roles are played by
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Ar šo izrādi sākās mūsu ģimenes burvīgākie Ziemassvētki. Paldies. Bija super jauki un mīļi.
Laura Krastiņa
Bijām - brīnišķīga un jauka izrāde! Mums patika!
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