Sharl perro

Puss in Boots

1h 20min  / Act 2
Small hall
18.00 EUR

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About the performance

Premiere: 28.03.2025.

Marionette show for children 5+

The Puss has fallen into disgrace and is thrown out of his home. Jacques, a young boy, takes pity on the Puss and takes him in. But Jacques has his own troubles too, so the Puss devises a plan to help his new friend, as he knows that there’s always sun after the rain, so –  don't despair, take action! The Puss in Boots will do everything in his power to make sure that his and Jacques' story has a happy ending!

Creative team

Vija Blūzma
Puppet and costume artist:
Anita Znutina-Seve
Scenographer and video artist:
Ineta Sipunova
Mikus Frisfelds
Light artist:
Gvido Abolins
Author of the illustration:
Elvira Bekere


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Kontaktinformācija: e-pasta adrese:, tālrunis + 371 67285418

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