Dzidra Rinkule-Zemzare

The adventures of the Little Mouse

1h   / Act 2
Small hall
18.00 EUR

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About the performance

Premiere: 04.05.2024.

The mischiefs and adventures of the Little Mouse, familiar to several generations from the sweet poetry of Dzidra Rinkule-Zemzare, have now been become a musical performance for the youngest viewers. For every little mouse, as well as every little child, there comes a time when the urge to take their first independent steps into the big world full of unknown wonders is stronger than parents' warnings to be careful. Time and time again Mum and Dad have to rescue their little rascal from the troubles it has once again got itself into. But has anyone ever grown up without trying out for themselves whether the promised dangers are really that terrible?


"Try and catch me, Mommy,

Room is too hot for me.

I skip around like a falling snow

I decide where I go."

Creative team

Vija Blūzma
Scenographer and costume designer:
Evita Beta
Puppet artist:
Anita Znutina-Seve
Arvīds Zilinskis
Musical arrangements:
Raimonds Petrauskis
Light artist:
Mara Anina




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