Edgars Kaufelds / Ance Muizniece

The Teachers

40min  / Act 1
10.00 EUR

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About the performance

Premiere: 04.08.2023.

Arta Vidēja, the sports teacher, and Inese Strazdiņa, the German language teacher, have a vast and rich experience. They are ready to step out of the classroom to teach an extremely exciting lesson in the schoolyard. Despite their considerable age, both teachers are excellent at their craft and true patriots. They consider themselves irreplaceable and think of their pupils as their children. That is how sweet they are.

Not only do they have a huge experience, but they are also very huge themselves. So huge that for a moment every spectator feels like a pupil again.

Creative team

Edgars Kaufelds
Puppet artist:
Kristaps Kramins
Musical presentation:
Stanislavs Kulikovs


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