Edgars Kaufelds

Uncle July's Christmas 2

1h 10min  / Act 2
Small hall
18.00 EUR

About the performance

Dramatization: Edgars Kaufelds
Premiere: 11.12.2016.

Uncle July believes that Christmas is the best holiday of the year, and this holiday is not possible without giving and, of course, receiving gifts. Gifts are loved by both young and old, by uncles and cats. Uncle July is especially happy because this time his Christmas surprise is about to arrive from the far north. What will this surprise be, and will uncle July be more surprised than ever?

Creative team

Stage director:
Edgars Kaufelds
Costume, puppet designer:
Rūta Briede
Stage designer:
Liene Pavlovska
Mikus Frišfelds

Roles are played by

Uncle July:
Artūrs Putniņš
Cat Epentaler:
Arnita Jaunzeme
Peteris Galvins


"Jūlijonkuliņa Ziemassvētki 2" - Latvijas Leļļu teātrī
“Jūlijonkuliņa Ziemssvētki” Leļļu teātrī


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Kontaktinformācija: e-pasta adrese: info@lelluteatris.lv, tālrunis + 371 67285418

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